Apple's Latest Advertisement Showcases the Portrait Camera Features of iPhone 15

Apple has released a new ad for the iPhone 15 that highlights the device’s portrait camera capabilities. The ad demonstrates how users can turn their photos into portraits after they are taken, and also showcases the ability to shift the focus between subjects. In the ad, a band is shown working on their album cover, with one member using an iPhone to edit a picture of the trio. They use the Portrait subject focus adjustment feature to focus on themselves, resulting in the other bandmates being blurred in the background. Another band member then takes the iPhone and edits the image to focus on themselves, cutting the first member out of the image. The two members argue over which version of the image is best until a third member steps in and taps the image to focus on themselves, blurring out the other two members. The tagline of the video is “Turn your photos into portraits.” The video also demonstrates the focus editing feature on images taken with the Wide camera, allowing users to adjust the amount of blur in the background by using a slider. This feature works even on images that were not originally captured in Portrait mode.
