Essential iPhone Hacks That Every User Should Be Aware Of

Lucky for some iPhone users, a former Apple employee is revealing the little-known smartphone hacks the average consumer may not use. Tyler Morgan, who bills himself as an ex-Apple employee on TikTok, taught his 14.3 million viewers how to use their iPhones better with seven tips.

The first tip is an easier way to capture video footage. When initially opening up the camera app, just hold down the shutter and the video feature will activate. Moving your finger up and down on the screening while pressing will allow you to zoom in, as well.

Next, he showed viewers how to make texting with one hand even easier. There’s a one-handed keyboard option, which is accessible by holding down the globe symbol on the bottom left of the keyboard. When the pop-up appears, you may choose which truncated keyboard you prefer.

If you ever want to add a commentary to your screen recordings, just hold down the screen record button. Holding down the screen recording button will allow you to toggle the microphone on or off.

The haptic 3D touch is really useful. It allows users to press and hold down buttons on their screen, which eliminates the need to go into the settings menu. You can control flashlight brightness, select WiFi networks or Bluetooth devices, turn on AirDrop, or set a timer.

The search bar can also act as a calculator. Highlight multiple messages at once in Apple-specific apps by swiping upwards with two fingers.

If you ever deleted something by accident, you can always just shake your phone and it’ll give you the option to undo it.

In the comments, users were surprised to learn of the “undo typing” feature and how to toggle the microphone on during a screen recording.

Morgan previously warned against updating phones to the new iOS 17, complaining of lagging or crashing apps and spotty service. He believes that older phones are intentionally updated with a higher preference for the newer models.

The latest software update also came with safety concerns over the new NameDrop feature, which allows contact information to be swapped merely by the touch of two iPhones together. However, Forbes assures smartphone users that it would be difficult to unintentionally share personal information through NameDrop since the two phones swapping contact information would need to be directly touching.
