Discover the Superior Portrait Mode Feature on iPhones Without the Need for an iPhone 15 Pro

Apple’s latest ad showcases the Portrait Mode feature on the iPhone 15, emphasizing that you don’t need an iPhone 15 Pro to enjoy this capability. The new iPhone models, launched in September, have introduced several upgrades, including significant improvements to the camera. The ad highlights the camera’s focus editing feature, which allows users to adjust the focus of a photo after it has been taken. In the ad titled “Album Cover,” a band member uses the iPhone 15 to edit pictures for their album cover, while another band member tries to adjust the focus on herself in the background. They continue to quarrel until the third band member changes the focus on himself, putting an end to the argument. The ad concludes with the tagline “turn your photos into portraits.” The Wide-angle lens on the iPhone 15 can be used to access the focus editing feature, where users can adjust background blur and choose the subject to focus on. This feature can also be used with photos taken in the standard photo mode.
